This area is devoted to our District Umpires who have worked Regional & World Series Tournament
District 2 has a rich history of Volunteer Umpires. Major League Baseball has its traditions and we have our own. Below are all of the Umpire that District 2 has sent to Regional and World Series Tournaments. These people built the foundation and traditions that make District 2 a great place to Umpire. A special thanks goes out to all of them. At the end of this section is the District 2 policy on guidelines for getting a regional assignment.
2024 Sr. Softball Regional
Ken Harbison
2022 Jr. Softball World Series
Scott Goodwin
2021 Little League Softball and Baseball Regional
Russ Smith
2020 COVID NO Tournaments this year
2019 Little League Softball Regional
Russ Smith
2019 50/70 Intermediate Baseball Regional
Michael Todd
2019 Jr. Softball Regional
Russ Romney
2018 Sr. Softball Regional
Scott Finlayson
2016 Little League Softball Regional
Scott Finlayson
2016 Junior Softball Regional
Scott Goodwin
2011 Senior Softball Western Regional
Max Barker
2010 Little League Western Regionals
Russell Smith
2004 Canadian Regionals
Bob Hunsick
2004 Junior League Western Regionals
Clif Shaw
2003 Junior League World Series
David Kok
2003 Little League Western Regionals
Mike Shoemaker
1997 Big League Western Regionals
Andy Bartinelli
Billy Elder
Dale Fabri
Bert Grimm
Harvey Hudson
David Kok
Mike Mendick
Harry Miller
Harold Payne
Russ Sherwood
Ron Shoemaker
1996 Junior League Western Region
David Kok
1995 Little League Western Regionals
Bert Grimm
1993 Big League Western Regionals
Dale Fabri
David Kok
1993 Little League Western Regionals
Chuck Turner
1992 Big League Softball World Series
Billy Elder
1991 Big League Softball World Series
Harry Miller
1991 Little League World Series
Billy Elder
1989 Little League World Series
Russ Sherwood
1988 Junior League World Series
Jerry Hatcher
1986 Junior League Western Regionals
Jerry Hatcher
1985 Little League Softball World Series
Bobbie Cole
1985 Little League Western Regionals
Bill Elder
1984 Little League Softball World Series
Bobbie Cole
1983 Senior League Softball World Series
Bobbie Cole
1983 Little League Softball World Series
Bobbie Cole
1982 Little League World Series
Ron Shoemaker
1982 Little League Western Regionals
Russ Sherwood
1982 Senior League Softball Western Regionals
Ruth Brooks
Bobbie Cole
Billy Elder
Harvey Hudson
Mike Mendick
Roger Previll
Russ Sherwood
Ron Shoemaker
Chuck Turner
1979 Senior League Softball Western Regionals
Ruth Brooks
Bobbie Cole
Billy Elder
Harvey Hudson
Mike Mendick
Roger Previll
Russ Sherwood
Ron Shoemaker
Chuck Turner
1978 Senior League Softball Western Regionals
Ruth Brooks
Bobbie Cole
Billy Elder
Harvey Hudson
Mike Mendick
Roger Previll
Jilmar Reid
Russ Sherwood
Ron Shoemaker
Chuck Turner
1977 Little League Western Regionals
Ron Shoemaker
1976 Senior League Western Regionals
Bob Delaney
Bob Farney
Bill Gleason
Harvey Hudson
Harry Miller
Jilmar Reid
Russ Sherwood
Ron Shoemaker
Special recognition goes to Ron Shoemaker, Billy Elder and Jilmar Reid for developing the training program we have today.
A special thanks to Dale Fabri and Ron Shoemaker for compiling this list. Without your work we could not have done it.
If you are interested in going to a Regional or World series to Umpire, here are the guidelines.
To get a world series you must first complete a regional.
Regional games available are:
LLBB San Bernardino - World Series Williamsport Intermediate
BB Nogales - World Series Livermore CA
Jr BB Vancouver Wash - WORLD SERIES in Taylor Michigan
SR baseball Sacramento CA - WORLD SERIES in Easley SC
LLSB San Bernardino World Series in Portland Or.
JR SB Tucson AZ World Series in Greenville South Carolina
SR SB Missoula Mont World Series in Lower Sussex, Del
There is also the European Regional with game in the Netherlands, Poland and Italy. (save the airline miles) You are fed and housed at all tournaments.
We have changed our qualifications some. In the past you had to volunteer for the season you put in and the season you go. We will follow the LL directive of a volunteer the season you go. This is what we are looking for
1. Volunteer the season you go. (IF you are completely volunteer preferences will be given)
2. At least 5 years of baseball/softball experience.
3. Active in the district or one of the leagues.
4. For San Bernardino active on the staff.
5. Certified in the district.
6. Recommended by the District UIC.
7. Pass a background check To put in get the 2017 form off of the Little League or Western Region Website.
The district Administrator begins accepting forms in August/September and applications must be turned in sometime in October. We hope to see more D2 Umpires putting in. Thanks for all you do!